Handgun Cleaning & Maintenance

In this 2 hour class we'll cover field stripping, cleaning, and lubricating your firearms. Each participant will be permitted to bring up to two handguns to learn how to break down (field strip), clean, and lubricate. 

Proper and regular cleaning & lubricating of your firearms will ensure that they work as expected when you need them to. It will also extend the life span of your firearms, saving you money in the long run.


What you will need for this class...

• Your handgun(s)

• Your handgun's manual (if you have it) or at least some general idea of how to field strip your firearm. Our instructors will also assist you with this task.

• Gun cleaning kit or some sort of gun cleaner, degreaser, and lubricator.

• Old t-shirts, towel, or rags for wiping

• Toothbrush or Q-tips

• Bore snake 

• Old towel or cleaning mat to place your firearm on

Registration - $25

Date: Saturday, January 28th, 2023

Time: 3pm to 5pm

Location: AimHi Gun Range - 10299 Johnstown Road, New Albany OH 43054