Realtor Safety Training
Chances are if you've been a realtor for any length of time, you've had a situation with a client (or potential client) that made you feel uneasy.
Even if it wasn't necessarily a physical threat to your safety, no realtor should have to feel fear or vulnerability while doing their job.
This course is designed to give you the tools needed to better ensure your safety while doing your job. Live demonstrations and practice with lethal and non-lethal defense options are incorporated in this class curriculum.
Designed for those who are just beginning to shoot, or those who have a little more experience and have their CCW license. All levels of shooter will learn valuable skills in this class!
Gun rental and ammo for purchase available to those who need it.
What this class covers...
- Why realtors are at a greater risk
- Situational awareness while in public
- How stress effects the body
- Mindset and defensive strategies
- Defensive options including lethal force
- Successfully sighting and discharging your firearm during a violent confrontation
- Learning to deal with gun, magazine, and ammo malfunctions
- How to use cover to engage your target(s)
- Shooting with your non-dominant hand, various body positions, etc
- Reviewing concealed carry options for your handgun
- And much more...
** This training will consist of:
- Zoom classroom where we will go over pertinent & critical information to assist you in ensuring your safety while showing properties.
- 2 hour shooting range session where we will practice and refine all of the skills listed above by way of different drills and scenarios.
Registration - $80
Date: Coming again Spring 2023
Time: TBD
Location: TBD